Further National Lottery Fund Funding has been allocated for progressing the research previously carried out by Prof Andy Jones.
Developing an advisory group for the project, bringing clinicians, health professionals, educational advisors, across private, statutory and VCSE sectors together to :-
Re-think the Outcomes Capture tool, utilised previously in the 2022-2027 research project.
Consider Health Outcomes.
Taking a more systems-based approach, to measure the externalities of the organisation.
Click here for tender documentation
Click here for appendix 2022-2024 evaluation report
Click here for appendix 2022-2024 powerpoint summary and discussion
Duration of contract
This is a 3-year contract starting 25/11/24.
The successful tenderer will work with the People & Animals’ nominated volunteers and staff members.
Deadline for submission of tender 1/11/24.
Please return tender by email to Katie Bristow, Director of Operations -katie@peopleandanimals.org.uk
